



Copywriting is the reason why people buy something

Copywriting is the practice of writing a text for an advertisement with the intent of getting the reader to take a specific action. Some common actions may be to get people to subscribe to a newsletter, make a purchase or to contact you for more information.

Copywriting is much different than typical writing, such as writing an article, blog post, or other pieces of content. Copywriting is a special craft of writing specifically geared towards getting someone to take some type of action (like making a purchase).

Who Needs Copywriting?

If you have a product that you’re trying to sell to people — you need copywriting.

Think of your customers on one side of a ledge and your product on a nearby ledge. The only way for your customers to get from their ledge to your product’s ledge is a bridge.

Reasons Why Any Business Needs A Copywriter

A business always needs written content. It’s filled with it. Web page content, landing pages, blog posts, emails, and sales letters are just a few of the types of content you need to communicate your message, inform, educate and sell your products and services. You rely on content to spread the word about your business and to bring in new leads.

Well-written copy can increase your sales.

Copywriters have experience using keywords that help content push the website to the first pages of search engines and increase your profits.

Images and offers might temporarily grab a reader’s attention, but it is the copy that will cause a reader to stop and spend time on a website reading the information that is available.

A good copywriter will create an actionable copy

All promotional materials, web content, newsletters – everything that involves words – need to jive with your brand.
Copywriter can offer you a much-needed outside perspective on your company
What do we do?

We write! But before that, we research and try to find out what your real target audience talks about, how people communicate, what vocabulary they use. Before writing, we always investigate to whom we’re advertising a product or service. And then – the magic comes.

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